Front-end car accidents cause some of the most severe injuries in St. Petersburg. If you or a loved one were involved in a front-end collision, it goes without saying that your first priority should be obtaining top medical care and working to restore your health.

However, it is also wise to consider the possible future impacts of the accident. There may be bills for both past and future medical treatment to deal with, and time missed from work can take a toll on finances.

That—along with many other aspects of the civil suit process—is where a dedicated St. Petersburg front-end car accident lawyer can help. While you focus on recovery, your capable car accident attorney could answer questions from insurers, handle necessary paperwork, evaluate settlement offers, and advocate on your behalf to help you pursue the compensation to which you are entitled.

Possible Recoverable Damages

Drivers and passengers injured in front-end accidents in St. Petersburg may be entitled to monetary damages to compensate for a variety of consequences resulting from the collision. These damages can provide compensation for economic harm as well as non-economic factors that are just as important, but often difficult to quantify.

Damages that may be available depending on the circumstances include compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Anticipated doctor’s visits in the future
  • Prescription medication
  • Transportation to medical visits
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost wages and reduced future income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and loss of enjoyment

In some cases, punitive damages may be available as well, such as in situations where a driver was operating a vehicle while intoxicated. A St. Petersburg front-end car accident attorney could help an individual plaintiff determine what damages may be available under their specific circumstances.

How do No-Fault Insurance Rules Affect Recovery Options?

In many car accident situations, Florida’s no-fault insurance rules limit those involved in an accident to recovering only from their own insurance provider. However, where an injury is serious, the driver at fault may be sued for liability.

An injury is considered sufficiently serious to support a lawsuit if it causes permanent loss of important bodily functions, other permanent injuries, permanent noticeable disfigurement, or death, according to Florida Statutes §627.737.

Are There Limitations on Lawsuits Involving Front-End Car Accidents in St. Petersburg?

As with most lawsuits stemming from car accidents, the Florida statute of limitations requires those injured to file a lawsuit within four years of the date of a front-end accident. If the accident causes a death, a wrongful death suit must be filed within two years of the date of death. Courts in Florida generally dismiss suits filed after the statutory period has passed unless there are extraordinary circumstances.

Comparative Negligence

Another limitation to car accident lawsuits is the comparative negligence rule. If an injured person’s own conduct contributed to the cause of the accident that injured them, the amount of recoverable damages would be reduced by their percentage of fault.

So, if the driver held at fault was found to be 80 percent responsible for running a red light and the driver filing suit was found to be 20 percent responsible for passing in an intersection, any potential damage award for the filing party would be reduced by 20 percent to acknowledge their share of responsibility. Some defendants in such cases attempt to shift liability towards the plaintiff in order to reduce damages under this rule, meaning strong representation from a front-end car accident lawyer in St. Petersburg could be critical to countering such claims.

Getting Help from a St. Petersburg Front-End Car Accident Attorney

Proving liability in a front-end car accident case can be difficult, but an experienced personal injury attorney should know how to collect the most valuable evidence and present that evidence persuasively to work toward the best possible outcome in settlement negotiations or in court.

The sooner you begin working with a St. Petersburg front-end car accident lawyer, the sooner your accident attorney could begin collecting and preserving evidence to build your case. To learn how an experienced legal team may be able to help you recover, call today to set up an initial meeting.

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