Emerson Straw Blog

St. Petersburg Personal Injury Lawyer

How to Help a Loved One Cope with a Spinal Cord Injury

Across the United States, more than 17,000 new spinal cord injuries (SCIs) occur annually. While each case is unique, they all have the potential to d...

Can You File a Motorcycle Accident Claim If You Weren’t Wearing a Helmet?

Although wearing an adequate helmet can reduce the risk of serious injury and even death in the event of a motorcycle accident, some riders still opt ...

3 FAQs About Taking Action After a Bus Accident

When buses crash in traffic, they tend to leave lots of devastation in their wake. Thankfully, those who end up getting hurt are usually entitled to c...

Why You Should Visit a Doctor Even If Your Car Accident Injuries Are Minor

It’s not uncommon to walk away from the scene of a crash. Just because you don’t require emergency care, however, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t s...

Will I Have to Go to Court If I File a Car Accident Claim?

Getting hurt in a motor-vehicle collision is enough to threaten most people’s financial security. That doesn’t mean injured parties are always eag...

How to Find Malpractice Complaints Against a Doctor

It’s reasonable to assume that visiting a licensed provider is enough to ensure quality care. The licensing board is in place for a reason, after al...

What to Do If You Suspect Medical Malpractice

If you suffered complications while being diagnosed or treated for an injury or illness and you think your provider was to blame, you may have grounds...

5 Pieces of Evidence That May Strengthen Your Truck Accident Claim

It can be hard to think of the next steps after you’ve been hurt in a truck accident. Many large truck crashes result in major injuries, not to ment...

What to Know About Punitive Damages in Car Accident Cases

There are two kinds of damages that can be awarded in successful car accident cases: compensatory and punitive. The former aims to reimburse plaintiff...

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Filing a Medical Malpractice Claim 

Because medicine isn’t an exact science, it can be hard to determine when malpractice has occurred and when unanticipated complications are to blame...

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