Emerson Straw Blog

St. Petersburg Personal Injury Lawyer

3 Reasons to Call a Penis Injury Attorney Right Away After Getting Hurt

Although circumcision is one of the simplest procedures that surgeons perform, complications still can—and sometimes do—arise. A mere flick of the...

5 Steps to Take If Your Doctor Failed to Diagnose Your Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country. Considering just how prevalent the condition is, it should be one of the first diseases p...

What Kinds of Penis Injuries Can Circumcision Errors Cause?

Although the circumcision procedure is fairly low-risk, errors still can—and do—occur. Sadly, most of these mistakes have the potential to cause s...

4 Common Scenarios That Can Cause a Misdiagnosed Heart Attack

When it comes to leading causes of death in the United States, heart disease lands at or near the top of the list every single year. Often dubbed the ...

What Can a Penis Injury Attorney Do for Me?

Although circumcision is a fairly standard medical procedure that’s relatively low-risk, accidents can—and do—occur. If you recently underwent t...

Emerson Straw Represents Family in Police Wrongful Death Case

Adam Phillips, a 49-year-old Clearwater man, always texted his loved ones back promptly. So when he was unresponsive for nearly a day on February 27, ...

4 Elements of a Strong Cardiac Misdiagnosis Claim

If you suffered after a doctor misdiagnosed a cardiac event, you may be able to take action. While filing a claim won’t erase what happened, it coul...

What to Ask During Your Initial Consultation with a Penis Injury Attorney

If you sustained a penis injury that has hurt your quality of life in an irreversible way, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, pain...

Do You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse? Avoid These Common Mistakes

If you don’t think your loved one is receiving adequate care at his or her nursing home, you may be able to take action against the facility. Before...

What Might a Medical Malpractice Attorney Do for Me?

If you think you were the victim of medical malpractice, it’s wise to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. While you’re certainly entitled to g...

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