Emerson Straw Blog

St. Petersburg Personal Injury Lawyer

Will I Have to Go to Court If I File a Truck Accident Claim?

When recovering from serious injuries, navigating complex legal proceedings is the last thing you want to do. Put another way, if you were recently hu...

What Kind of Evidence Will I Need to Build a Bicycle Accident Claim?

If you were recently hurt in a bicycle accident and you now find yourself worried about making ends meet, you are not alone. Sustaining unexpected inj...

How Can I Maximize the Value of My Car Accident Claim?

Getting hurt in a car accident can seriously threaten your financial security. This is especially true if you’re unable to work while recovering fro...

What Should I Look for in a Paralysis Injury Attorney?

If you’re living with paralysis, you are not alone. When the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation set out to find the prevalence of paralysis in ...

Parents Suing After Botched C-Section Left Their Baby With Facial Scarring

A lot can go wrong during labor and delivery, causing irreversible damage in the process. While some complications are unanticipated, doctors and nurs...

Why Might a Premises Liability Claim Have to Go to Court?

Most personal injury claims, including those involving premises liability, are settled. As long as the case will likely hold up in court, the responsi...

How to Prepare for the Initial Consultation with a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

If you received questionable medical care and you called an attorney as soon as you realized you might have been the victim of malpractice, you’re o...

How Much Is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

Recovering from car accident injuries is both physically draining and emotionally taxing. With so much on your plate, it’s natural to wonder whether...

How to Prove Someone Was Texting & Driving

In the state of Florida, motorists are prohibited from texting and driving. Unfortunately, the penalty for doing so—a citation accompanied by a fine...

What Are Some Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse?

When you moved your elderly loved one into a nursing home, it was undoubtedly with the assumption that the facility was going to take good care of the...

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