Any rollover accident caused by another driver’s negligence can be the basis for an injury claim. This may apply if the two vehicles never come into contact with each other. Even a quick turn or swerve to avoid another driver’s reckless actions could cause a car to roll over. The injuries sustained in this type of car wreck may be significant.

A St. Augustine rollover car accident lawyer could help people who have been injured in these collisions pursue the at-fault driver for compensation. An experienced attorney could conduct an independent investigation into the cause of a crash, file a comprehensive claim for damages, and help protect your interests from aggressive insurance companies.

The Causes and Effects of Rollover Car Crashes

A rollover accident could occur in many ways. For example, if a shorter vehicle has a side impact with a larger car, the smaller car could act as a wedge and push the larger vehicle onto its side. In other accidents, a sideswipe on a highway could cause a driver to lose control and rollover.

Any rollover crash would cause serious damage to a vehicle. Because of that, even with modern safety equipment, the people in the rolling vehicle may sustain serious injuries. In the worst cases, a rollover could toss the occupants around the inside of the cabin and cause:

  • Concussions
  • Broken bones
  • Separated joints
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lacerations

The costs associated with the treatment necessary to recover from injuries of this magnitude may be significant. However, a legal claim following a rollover accident could demand compensation for the losses associated with an incident. This can include the payment of medical bills, lost income or earning potential, and compensation for emotional pain and suffering after a traumatic accident. A St. Augustine rollover car accident lawyer could help potential claimants to pursue compensation for all their injuries.

Proving a Rollover in St. Augustine

Most potential plaintiffs pursue their rollover accident claims using the legal cause of action known as negligence. This is because negligence allows an injured person to claim damages due to the accidental behavior of another driver. The law says that, even though the at-fault driver did not mean to cause a collision, their poor driving still caused an accident and they may be liable for the resulting injuries.

A rollover could be another driver’s fault even if the two vehicles did not touch. If an at-fault driver made a sudden move that required an emergency evasion, the at-fault driver may be liable for any rollover accidents and injuries. In other cases, a commercial vehicle may scatter debris on the road and unintentionally cause a rollover. Depending on the specific factors surrounding a crash, it may be beneficial to have a car wreck lawyer with experience in rollover accidents investigate the cause of a crash and identify potentially negligent parties.

Claimants have only a limited time to file a case. Florida has a law known as the statute of limitations. This controls when the court will hear a case alleging personal injury. According to Florida Statute §95.11, plaintiffs must act within four years of the date of the accident to collect compensation.

How a St. Augustine Rollover Car Accident Attorney Can Help

Rollover accidents can cause some of the most severe injuries seen in car wrecks. Your injuries will likely require emergency medical attention and may warrant extensive future care. In addition, you may lose significant income and suffer from a loss of enjoyment in life. Fortunately, you do not need to recover the value of your losses alone. A St. Augustine rollover car accident lawyer could work to prove defendant negligence, accurately account for your losses, and demand appropriate compensation so you can heal. Get in touch with an attorney today to schedule a consultation and begin working on a potential legal claim.

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