When Should I Get a Car Accident Attorney?

car accident gray

If you were recently involved in a motor-vehicle collision, you may be entitled to compensation for the resulting damages. Filing a claim with the responsible party’s insurer could yield the funds needed to put your life back together. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should let the claims adjuster guide you through the proceedings.

No matter how sympathetic or helpful they appear, the insurer’s ultimate goal is in direct opposition to your own. Whereas the carrier wants to protect their bottom line, you want to secure a settlement that covers everything from your medical bills to your lost wages.

As such, you can’t rely on the claims adjuster to protect your best interests. You can, however, turn to a car accident attorney for exceptional representation and strategic guidance.

At the end of the day, most accident victims could benefit from speaking to a seasoned lawyer. And while doing so is optional, it’s advisable if any of the following applies:

1. You Incurred Significant Damages 

If you were involved in a minor fender bender that caused minimal property damage and no bodily injury, the insurer might not put up much resistance against your claim, especially if you have strong evidence. If, on the other, you’re forced to miss weeks—or even months—of work while recovering from the injuries you sustained, the insurer will have a lot more at stake.

A resourceful lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation to gather the evidence needed to prove liability and damages. This, in turn, will allow you to pursue a payout that covers all associated losses. 

2. You’re Unsure How to Prove Fault 

In the wake of a wreck, it’s not always clear who was responsible. As long as you were following the rules of the road prior to the collision, though, it’s reasonable to assume someone else was at fault—and an attorney can help you gather the evidence needed to prove as much. 

3. The Claims Adjuster Challenges the Facts of the Case 

Since Florida is a no-fault state, car accident claimants face an added hurdle when seeking compensation for their damages. In addition to proving liability, you must prove that you meet the state’s serious injury threshold. Otherwise, you’re limited to recovering from your personal injury protection insurance.

If the carrier refuses to acknowledge their policyholder’s liability—or the severity of your damages—getting them to offer a fair settlement will be challenging to say the least. In such a scenario, filing a lawsuit may be the only way to seek the payout you deserve. Since filing a formal lawsuit is a considerable amount of work—and there’s a lot at stake—you’ll want to do so with help from a personal injury attorney. 

Call (727) 821-1500 for a Free Consultation with a St. Petersburg Car Accident Lawyer

If you intend to file a car accident claim in Florida, contact Emerson Straw PL to determine the most strategic way to proceed. Our tireless team has recovered more than $27 million in successful settlements and verdicts for our clients. Call (727) 821-1500 or fill out our Contact Form to schedule a free consultation with a car accident attorney in St. Petersburg.