What to Bring to Your First Meeting with a Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Lawyer

woman having heart attack

When a doctor misdiagnoses a patient who is having a heart attack, the consequences are often devastating. Thankfully, those who end up suffering because of their provider’s negligence are usually entitled to compensation.

If you’re thinking about taking action against a doctor for missing your symptoms, it’s wise to start by scheduling a meeting with a heart attack misdiagnosis attorney. A knowledgeable professional can evaluate the situation from all angles and help you determine how best to proceed.

To ensure the initial consultation is as productive as possible—and ultimately help get your personal injury claim off on the right foot—it’s wise to bring the following to the appointment:

1. All Relevant Medical Records

Compile all the documents you have pertaining to the misdiagnosis and any subsequent treatments you received. Your attorney will want to scrutinize:

  • Hospital intake forms,
  • Nursing logs,
  • Diagnostic images, and
  • Progress reports.

2. Documentation of Damages

To determine if filing a claim has the potential to be worthwhile, your legal team must evaluate the kinds of recoverable damages you’ve been incurring. As such, you’ll want to bring along any documents that reference the financial losses you’ve suffered since the misdiagnosis. Examples include hospital bills, health insurance statements, paystubs tracking lost wages, and receipts for any objectively verifiable related expenses.

You should also bring proof of non-economic damages to your first meeting. Such proof might include journal entries and psychological evaluations. Statements from loved ones could also prove valuable when it comes time to demonstrate losses like pain and suffering, mental anguish, and diminished quality of life.

3. Correspondence with the Opposing Party

If anyone from the opposing party has reached out to you since the incident, bring the correspondence to the initial consultation. This might include letters, emails, or voicemails.

If you had any phone calls with the provider or their insurance adjuster, write down what was said as soon as possible, while the details are still fresh in your mind, and bring that to the meeting, as well.

4. A List of Questions for the Firm

If you have grounds for a claim, you’ll have to decide whether you want to proceed with the firm’s representation. As such, you’ll get a chance at the end of the meeting to ask the attorney questions. Writing them down in advance will ensure you don’t forget any, since you’ll inevitably be inundated with information.

If you’re not sure what to ask, start with the following:

  • How often will you update me on my claim?
  • What is your fee structure?
  • What kinds of resources will you draw upon when building my case?
  • Have you counseled many clients facing circumstances similar to my own?
  • What do you think is the likeliest outcome to my case?
  • Do you have trial experience?

Speak with a Florida Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Lawyer

At Emerson Straw, we stand up for those who have suffered at the hands of others. If your doctor made a mistake when diagnosing your cardiac issues, you ought to hold them accountable, and we can help. Call (727) 821-1500 or submit our Contact Form to schedule a free initial consultation with a heart attack misdiagnosis attorney in Florida.