Emerson Straw Blog

St. Petersburg Personal Injury Lawyer

Hurt in a Car Accident? 5 Steps to Take Immediately

If you were recently hurt in a car accident through no fault of your own, you may have grounds for legal action. Although Florida is a “no fault” ...

The Dos & Don’ts of Building a Product Liability Claim

If you were seriously hurt by some kind of defective product, you likely have grounds for legal action. Since you’ve undoubtedly got enough to worry...

When Should I Call a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney?

It’s incredibly challenging to come to terms with the fact that nursing home staff is neglecting or abusing your loved one. After all, your family u...

What Kinds of Damages Can You Seek by Filing a Car Accident Claim?

Getting hurt in a car accident is utterly devastating physically and emotionally. What many people don’t realize, however, until they’re actually ...

How Do You Prove Liability for a Large Truck Crash?

If you were seriously hurt in a large truck crash, you’re probably wondering whether your life will ever return to normal. Unfortunately, depending ...

3 FAQs About Taking Action Against a Manufacturer

When defective products cause serious injury, the affected parties are often wary of proceeding with legal action. Just because they have grounds to f...

Evidence to Strengthen Your Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Claim

Because heart disease is so prevalent, it’s reasonable to assume medical providers are well aware of its warning signs. It’s the leading cause of ...

The Dos & Don’ts of Building a Truck Accident Claim

Was your life forever changed by a drunk, drowsy, or distracted trucker? If you were seriously hurt in a collision with a big rig, you deserve justice...

Why Might My Car Accident Claim Go to Court?

If you were hurt in a wreck and you’re hoping to hold the at-fault party accountable, it’s still natural to be wary of going to court. While the d...

What to Look for in a Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Are you planning on filing a spinal cord injury (SCI) claim? If so, you may already know that the trajectory it takes—and, ultimately, the outcome i...

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