How to Build a Strong Claim If Your Doctor Failed to Diagnose Your Heart Disease

Heart Disease Misdiagnosis

When left unchecked, heart disease has the potential to cause life-threatening complications. In fact, it was the leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2019.

Because heart disease is so dangerous, it’s imperative that physicians diagnose it as early as possible. Even when patients present with telltale symptoms, though, the condition can go unnoticed.

If your doctor failed to diagnose your heart disease, you may be able to sue for damages. Just because you’re entitled to take action, though, does not mean you’re guaranteed a payout.

In order to recover compensation for the losses you incur as a result of your provider’s mistake, you’ll have to build a strong claim. While a medical malpractice attorney can certainly take the reins on this front, there are steps you can take to contribute to your legal team’s efforts.

Let’s take a look at some of the most viable strategies for strengthening your cardiac malpractice claim:

1. Prioritize Your Health

As soon as you realize you’re not receiving the care you deserve, you should visit another provider. And once you do receive an accurate diagnosis, it’s imperative that you follow all medical advice. In addition to protecting your health, this will demonstrate a commitment to mitigating damages during the claims process.

2. Keep a Daily Journal

Detailed journal entries about how your provider’s mistake is affecting your everyday life will help demonstrate the extent of your pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other non-economic damages.

You should also record every doctor’s appointment. Make a note of the purpose for the visit, as well as any tests, treatments, or procedures you undergo. These entries will help contextualize your medical records.

3. Preserve Important Documents

Every successful cardiac malpractice claim is supported by all kinds of documentation. From nursing logs and diagnostic images to medical bills and statements from relevant experts, you’re going to need to present solid proof of both liability and damages.

4. Stay off Social Media

As long as your case is pending, it’s wise to limit your online activity. The insurance adjuster will most likely scan your social media profiles periodically for anything that gives them cause to challenge your credibility.

Since there’s no failsafe way to contain something once it’s on the internet, it’s best to stay off social media altogether until your claim has been resolved. If that’s not an option, at least make sure to enable the strictest privacy settings and avoid posting anything that could potentially be used against you.

Discuss Your Claim with a Florida Heart Disease Misdiagnosis Attorney

If doctors failed to diagnose your heart disease in a timely manner, turn to Emerson Straw PL to determine how best to proceed. Our resourceful team is equipped to go up against even the largest health care institutions and malpractice insurers.

Backed by more than 70 years of collective experience in the legal field, we know what it takes to see even the most complex cases through to the end. To set up a free consultation with a heart disease misdiagnosis lawyer in Florida, complete our Online Contact Form or call (727) 821-1500.