Emerson Straw PL Represents Draw Bridge Accident Victim

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The attorneys at Emerson Straw PL are representing a person who was seriously injured due to a draw bridge accident. The 37-year-old man was injured after more than a 100-foot fall from the top of the open draw bridge to the roadway below.

The man suffered bodily injuries including a head injury during the fall. Reportedly the bridge tender failed to make a proper lookout to identify any pedestrians and/or bicyclists who may have remained on the bridge before raising the bridge.

The bridge is owned by the state of Florida’s Department of Transportation but is operated by a private contractor. The claim is based upon the bridge tender’s negligence with respect to carrying out his regular duties to ensure there were no pedestrians on the draw bridge when he activated the controls to raise the bridge for passing boats.

Emerson Straw PL offers free consultations and works on a contingency fee basis. If you were injured or lost someone you love due to the negligence of another party, please call us to schedule a free, no-obligation case review.