Don’t Make These Common Mistakes After Getting Hurt in a Car Accident

Car Accident mistakes

In the wake of a wreck, it’s natural to feel a flood of emotions. You might be scared, angry, and even traumatized. There’s also the stress of the financial ramifications and the frustration that comes with navigating all the subsequent logistics, like arranging for alternative transportation while your car is in the shop.

Put another way, it’s easy to get caught in the eye of the storm until you can’t think straight. As long as you weren’t wholly to blame for the crash, though, you probably have grounds for a personal injury claim. If you want to give it the best chance of success, you’re going to have to avoid making critical mistakes from day one.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common mistakes that car accident victims tend to make in the days and weeks following a crash, so you know what not to do:

1. Turning to Social Media for Support

Before you post about the incident online, consider the potential consequences if the insurance adjuster were to see the content when evaluating your claim. If there’s any chance the post could be misconstrued and ultimately used against you, it’s best to refrain from hitting “Publish.”

At the end of the day, even a seemingly innocuous post like a photo of a dinner out with friends could lead the opposing party to challenge your credibility. If you claim the injuries you sustained are hurting your quality of life, for example, they might present the photo in an effort to show that you’re doing just fine.

2. Putting off Seeing a Doctor

Following a car accident, it’s imperative to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Even those who are able to walk away from the scene can later learn that they sustained serious injuries in the impact.

Seeking care right away will serve a few purposes when it comes to bolstering your claim. First, it will provide a link between the incident in question and the injuries you sustained by starting a legitimate paper trail. Second, it will show the opposing party you were committed to mitigating damages from day one.

Most importantly, however, it will ensure the prompt treatment of any and all injuries, including those that might not yet be apparent.

3. Giving the Insurance Adjuster a Premature Recorded Statement

If the insurance adjuster asks you to speak on record fairly soon after the crash, it’s wise to avoid doing so. Saying anything about what happened during the accident or what was left in its aftermath opens the door for disputes down the road if there end up being any discrepancies.

Call (727) 821-1500 to Speak with a Car Accident Attorney in Florida

For help with every aspect of your car accident claim, turn to Emerson Straw. Our seasoned and resourceful team will handle all the logistics of your case, so you can focus on your recovery.

Backed by more than 40 years of collective experience in the legal field, we have what it takes to fight on behalf of those who were seriously hurt through no fault of their own. Call (727) 821-1500 or submit our Contact Form to schedule a free initial consultation with a car accident lawyer in Florida.