How to Avoid an Auto Accident on Your Labor Day Road Trip

avoid an auto accident

Labor Day weekend is a popular time for a family road trip. While roads trips can be exciting for the whole family, they can also be stressful when highways are full of traffic or bad weather hits. Remember these 5 safety tips to avoid an auto accident on your road trip this Labor Day weekend.

Get a Tune-Up: Before you leave on your trip, it is important to have your vehicle’s tires, fluids, and brakes checked for any problems. Addressing an issue before you get on the road can prevent a flat tire or rear-end collision.

Prepare for Inclement Weather: Always carry a First Aid kit, flashlight, blanket, bottled water, and protein-rich snacks when going on a road trip. Summer weather is unpredictable, so always use caution while driving in the rain or hail. Reduce speeds and keep your headlights on to prevent auto accidents.

Avoid Distractions While Driving: Never text or talk on the phone while driving. Even hands-free calling can distract a driver from what’s going on in front of them.  

Make Frequent Stops and Rotate Drivers: Driving long distances can cause extreme fatigue and lack of focus. If you are taking a long road trip for Labor Day weekend, make frequent stops to eat and stretch. If multiple adults are going, make sure to rotate drivers frequently to reduce exhaustion. When everyone is tired, stop for the night and get some sleep.

Obey the Rules of the Road: Even though this should go without saying, it is especially important to obey posted speed limits; drivers going too fast or too slow are likely to end up in car accidents. You should also watch for construction zones and their applicable speed limits.

If you have been in an auto accident, don’t let your injuries ruin the rest of your summer. Contact one of the auto accident attorneys at Emerson Straw today!