5 Pieces of Evidence That May Strengthen Your Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Claim

Heart Disease Misdiagnosis

When doctors make cardiac diagnostic errors, it’s their patients who inevitably suffer. Thankfully, the victims usually have legal recourse. If they can prove both liability and damages, they can usually seek compensation from the negligent provider’s malpractice insurer.

While every claim that ends up yielding a payout is unique, they all have at least one thing in common: They’re all supported by sufficient evidence.

Although the most valuable pieces of evidence differ from case to case, they typically include at least a few of the following:

1. Medical Records 

Your medical records will undoubtedly serve as the foundation of your entire claim. Assuming they implicate your provider, however, it’s imperative to compile them as soon as possible. Otherwise, they may end up being altered or destroyed. 

2. Statements from Relevant Experts

Because medicine is far from an exact science, proving malpractice poses an inherent challenge. Just because a patient suffers complications, for example, doesn’t automatically mean the provider made a mistake.

For your claim to have even a chance of succeeding, you’ll have to demonstrate how your doctor deviated from the most widely accepted standard of care. In other words, how would any other reasonable physician have acted under the same circumstances?

Naturally, this is where various experts and specialists can help. If you presented with obvious symptoms of a heart attack, for example, a seasoned cardiologist can explain how any other doctor would have gone about diagnosing it in a timely manner.    

3. Testimony from Other Providers 

Upon realizing your physician misdiagnosed a major cardiac event, did you seek care elsewhere? If so, your subsequent providers should be able to corroborate your story and explain what the negligent doctor missed.

4. Bills, Invoices, and Receipts 

When it comes to building a strong medical malpractice claim, proving liability is just half the battle. It’s not enough that your doctor made a mistake. You’ll also have to show that you incurred actual damages as a direct result of the error.

You should be able to do so by presenting documentation for your injury-related expenses. Paystubs tracking any missed work—and, subsequently, lost wages—can also contribute to your claim. 

5. Personal Injury Journal Entries 

In addition to economic damages like medical bills and the cost of reasonably necessary replacement services, personal injury claimants in Florida may seek compensation for non-economic damages like emotional distress and loss of enjoyment in life.

To demonstrate the extent of these damages, victims often use detailed journal entries. If you write about the ways in which the misdiagnosis is hurting your quality of life, you can be sure such logs will come in handy later, during the claims process.

Call (727) 821-1500 for a Free Consultation with a Florida Heart Attack Misdiagnosis Attorney

At Emerson Straw, we’re not afraid to go up against even the largest malpractice insurers on behalf of patients who have been wronged. If your heart attack was misdiagnosed and you suffered as a result, we’ll help you gather the evidence needed to pursue a fair payout. Call (727) 821-1500 or use our Online Contact Form to schedule a free consultation with a heart attack misdiagnosis lawyer in Florida.