If you or a loved one has been injured in a tractor-trailer accident, it’s important to speak to an experienced St. Petersburg truck accident attorney right away.

Accidents involving semi-trucks are much more complex than regular car accidents. Not only do these cases typically involve devastating injuries, they also tend to feature numerous parties and complicated insurance issues. These accidents can’t be successfully handled by just any personal injury lawyer – they require attorneys who are experienced in investigating and pursuing truck accidents.

Potential Defendants in Tractor-Trailer Accidents

In a standard car accident, two motor vehicles collide. At most, the case involves the driver, the other driver, and their respective insurance companies.

In a trucking accident, however, there are usually far more defendants involved. Potential parties to the lawsuit include:

  • The truck driver
  • The owner of the truck
  • The truck manufacturer
  • The trucking carrier
  • Federal agencies
  • State agencies

Furthermore, many truck accidents involve 18-wheelers based out of other states. This cases can quickly become complex, with a lot of moving parts and an investigation that includes state and federal government investigators, manufacturer defect claims, and numerous insurance claims. Getting to the bottom of the liability question requires experience, skill, and a willingness to keep digging until justice is obtained.

Contact Our St. Petersburg Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident involving a tractor-trailer, it’s important to speak to an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer can inform you of your options and help you determine the next steps in your case. Call Emerson Straw, PL at (727) 821-1500 to speak to an attorney about your case.

St. Petersburg Truck Accident Attorney

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No bias here I have seen them in action since conception. The firm is totally committed to their clients best interest. No stone is left unturned regardless of cost and man hours it takes to get the best results. Their record speaks for itself.

Michael S.

I highly recommend Matt Emerson for an AV rating.

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Wes is highly skilled and very well thought of.

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Wes Straw is one of the best young lawyers in Florida.

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