While a crash between two motor vehicles can result in serious damage, a car striking a pedestrian could cause severe and even life-threatening injuries. If you or a loved one was injured after being struck by a vehicle, reach out to a compassionate Pinellas County pedestrian accident lawyer.

If the careless, reckless, or malicious actions of another person caused your injuries, you might be able to pursue compensation to recover medical bills, lost wages, mental anguish, and other losses. A dedicated attorney could help to assess your circumstances and work tirelessly to gather evidence to file a persuasive claim.

Pinellas County Pedestrian Laws

To help keep pedestrians safe, Florida Statutes § 316.130 outlines laws intended to influence driver behavior and reduce the likelihood of a collision. These provisions include:

  • All drivers must exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian
  • The driver at an intersection or a crosswalk must stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian at a crosswalk
  • When a car is stopped at a marked crosswalk to allow a pedestrian to cross the road, other drivers approaching from behind shall not overtake and pass the car
  • Motorists are required to give warning when necessary and exercise proper precautions upon seeing a child or incapacitated person to prevent a collision

The nuances of these statues might be difficult to understand without extensive legal knowledge, however. A compassionate Pinellas County pedestrian accident lawyer could help to explain these laws to an injured claimant and discuss how they might relate to a case.

Proving Negligence in a Pedestrian Injury Case

While legislative, policies, and infrastructure efforts can help to improve roadway safety for pedestrians, many motorists continue to engage in negligent and reckless behavior. Therefore, some of the most common accidents involving pedestrians are the result of:

  • A distracted driver—due to cell phone use, eating, working with navigation systems, or other distractions
  • Excessive speed
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Failure to yield or stop at traffic signals or when turning

For a successful claim, an injured plaintiff must establish that a motorist was negligent. This is done by demonstrating four elements: duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages. Essentially, every motorist has a legal obligation to drive safely and obey the rules of the road. Therefore, if a driver breaches this duty by, for example, speeding, and hits a person walking on the street as a result, this might be clear legal grounds for a claim.

Unfortunately, even when injuries are apparent, proving that a motorist or other entity was negligent is a complex legal process. By working with an experienced Pinellas County attorney, an injured pedestrian could have help in holding a negligent driver responsible for an accident.

How a Pinellas County Pedestrian Accident Attorney Can Help

If you were injured after being struck by a vehicle, you might be overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. However, by working with a Pinellas County pedestrian accident lawyer, you could have help in assessing your legal options and possibly pursuing a claim against an at-fault driver.

Furthermore, even if you were partially liable for your injuries, you might still be able to recover compensation for your losses. To discuss your case further, call a well-versed attorney today.

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